Tue 8th of March 2011 – Dog Run

When I grew up in Leeuwarden, Amsterdam was this magical city for me, big and scary. Then I moved to Amsterdam and cities like London and Paris took that role. When I moved to London New York still had this idea about of being even bigger and better. And now I'm finally here and I'm loving it.


I walked a lot today and then I found what they call a dog run, somewhere in Manhattan. It's a fenced area where people can let their dogs run free. I went in for about an hour and talked with dog owners and photographed dogs. It's a whole little subculture in there with the same people coming everyday. Some like eachother, some hate eachother, they gossip, etc. etc.


When I came out I passed by a lab and couldn't resist having my film developed. I don't know their names, but they're ugly and cool. MOMA tomorrow and perhaps I'll try to find another dog run!