Tue 8th of June 2010 – Netherlands Elections

Elections in my country today, the Netherlands. And the scary possibility that Geert Wilders will become deputy Prime Minister. He's the guy that openly spews hatred to anything that has remotely to do with Islam or muslims. He wants to make the Koran illegal, tax the wearing of headscarves and of course also the regular stuff meaning more police, higher jail sentences, less taxes, etc. etc. And the mainstream conservative party (who is set to win the election) has said they'd form a coalition with these people.


All this leaves me embarrassed and disgusted but mainly very sad. One can say that it's only because people are unhappy with the status quo and this is how they protest, but that so called protest will have very serious consequences for many people. The main word I can think of is selfishness. Let's see how it goes :-(