Tue 15th of January 2008 – Cecilia

Cecilia and I talk about animation and photos. I explain that I prefer making photos to videos because a photo is just that single moment in time. lt doesn't really tell you much so you can make up all the rest as you like. She says she likes video, and especially animation, because there is a whole story you can tell with it, with a beginning and an end. I guess we agree there. I must say I also love movies but wouldn't have a clue where to start if I had to make one. She also says that one side of her face is the angel side and the other the evil side. I promise to mirror her face-sides in photoshop to see and when I do it I discover it's not really true. I won't show here, but I’ll send them to her so she can see. Cecilia doesn't smile for photos so people quite often think she looks angry In them. I think she does look a bit angry, but in a nice way.