Thu 20th of December 2018 – Whatever the Weather


Finished work today to start two weeks off. Wonderful. It's been a good year at work so it feels great to shut down for a bit. It's been a crazy, tough, exciting year, and a very tiring year.


One highlight was walking along the beach for 8 hours with Bruno van den Elshout for his project that's called Whatever the Weather - although I prefer the name 'Wezenlijke Ontmoetingen' (meaningful encounters). I love that project. For me the love comes from the fact that he's making it happen that two people meet for eight hours just to walk and talk with no distractions. That rarely happens, but it's so nice, important even. So well done Bruno, and thanks for inviting me to the project.


During our 8 hour encounter Bruno thought it a good idea to dive in a freezing cold sea. After dipping in my foot I decided that for me that was not a good idea, but I did take this photo. A tight crop, shot on 35mm, a meaningful photo, for me ;) 


Have a great and inspiring 2019 everyone!