Thu 3rd of January 2008 – Krszystof

I’ve known Krszystof for a few years now. He used to be my landlord when I just came to London and during this project he is my landlord again for a month.

While Kris is in the room we both drink black coffee and eat chocolate and we talk about what he should do with his life. He’s not sure about it, but he does know that he needs more money. I tell him he needs a girlfriend but because he’s very fussy it’s going to be difficult to find one – I think he agress with me. I guess he just needs to be lucky, like we all need a bit of luck when it comes to love.

Kris says that he found out more about himself by being in London. In Poland he’s surrounded by his own kind. Here he is surrounded by people from everywhere so he gets confronted with the differences all the time. Kris was my last guest in the Room in 2007.